Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana


Aantal scores Punten
01 PDM 4x 58
PARET-PEINTRE Aurélien Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
STORER Michael Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
PARET-PEINTRE Aurélien Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
STORER Michael Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
02 HEL 5x 51
FOSS Tobias Svendsen Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
FOSS Tobias Svendsen Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
PARET-PEINTRE Valentin Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
PARET-PEINTRE Valentin Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
PARET-PEINTRE Valentin Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
03 TAS 6x 51
CHAVES RUBIO Jhoan Esteban Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
LOPEZ PEREZ Juan Pedro Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
LOPEZ PEREZ Juan Pedro Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
POELS Wout Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
POELS Wout Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
POELS Wout Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
04 NSC 2x 50
CARR Simon Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
CARR Simon Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
05 WEF 3x 25
O'CONNOR Ben Alexander Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
O'CONNOR Ben Alexander Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
O'CONNOR Ben Alexander Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
06 RVB 3x 25
HARPER Chris Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
BARDET Romain Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
BARDET Romain Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
07 AWT 1x 15
TIBERI Antonio Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
08 PDC 1x 15
PELLIZZARI Giulio Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
09 TFF 1x 5
MÜHLBERGER Gregor Tour of the Alps, Stage 2 : Salurn - Stans
10 LUC 1x 3
BOU COMPANY Joan Tour of the Alps, Stage 2 : Salurn - Stans
Tour of the Alps, Stage 1 : Neumarkt - Kurtinig
Tour of the Alps, Stage 2 : Salurn - Stans
Tour of the Alps, Stage 3 : Schwaz - Schwaz
Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana
Tour of the Alps, Stage 5 : Levico Terme - Levico Terme
Tour of the Alps, Stage 4 : Leifers - Borgo Valsugana